Farewell to App-mediation Interaction

App-mediated interactions with people reachable in the real world are of very little use to me.

My first step in exiting from the app-mediated world and returning to the real world is the trashing my Facebook account, which I did on February 16.

This was not directly caused by, but was certainly accelerated by an increasing awareness of the crime promoted and actively participated in by Zuckerberg on his Facebook platform, and by his total lack of a moral compass. His active selection of targets for criminal advertisers is obvious, unless you install an ad-blocker that enables you to pretend that it isn’t happening, although it will still be happening.

Another annoyance is the incessant unlawful publishing on Facebook of images stolen and published without permission from their owners. IP theft appears to have become the norm. Add to that the reality that the platform is flooded with meaningless AI-generated garbage, and the decision to bail out becomes a no-brainer.

Zuckerberg’s sucking up to Mango Mussolini who sits on his throne in the White House is an additional factor, but my move away from social media platforms was coming way before Zuckerberg openly joined the ranks of Trump-sycophantic scum.

And, as long as things like those plantation investment scams on LinkedIn don’t get totally out of hand, I might remain on that single social media platform.

That said, the missionaries for the Church of the Amazing AI on LinkedIn are increasingly annoying. My still being on that platform must be a demonstration of my tolerance for alien belief systems.

The Approaching Authentipause

The heliopause is the point in space, outside of our solar system, beyond which our solar wind from the heliosphere can no longer counteract the incoming flow of interstellar wind.

We can imagine an “authentipause”—somewhat similar to the concept of the heliopause—which is the point beyond which the flow of reality and facts flowing outward from our real world of carbon-based sentient beings—I will call it the “authentisphere”—can no longer successfully counteract the force of fake things flowing in from the outer sphere (the illusionosphere or fake-osphere), which is populated by AI and AI-generated illusions, essentially a world of fake nonsense generated by computer code running in silicon-based entities, but still, as of this writing, under the nominal control of their carbon-based owners. That might change sometime.

The authentipause is clearly moving inward at an accelerating pace, effectively shrinking the authentisphere we have become used to inhabiting and enveloping us in an environment in which fake overtakes real. That is already becoming the case in numerous online venues, and social media is a great promoter of fake AI-generated nonsense.

The authentisphere. Enjoy while you can. Not too far in the future, we may look back on it fondly in the rear-view mirror.