About KiramekiQuality, commitment, accountability

OverviewWe are a translation Company, not a translation broker.
There are Differences

Based in Japan and proud of our decades-long track record, we offer:

Basic Information

Company nameKirameki Translations, Inc.
CEO & Representative DirectorWilliam Lise
Address16-1-708 Nishiki-cho, Naka-ku
Yokohama 231-0812
Telephone045-323-9065 (from within Japan)
81-45-323-9065 (from overseas)
Mobile080-3085-3929 (from within Japan)
81-80-3085-3929 (from overseas)
Company registration number 5020001081859
Qualified invoice issuer number T5020001081859
Please note that we do not deal with individuals or with agencies of any kind.
Business activities
  • Legal & IP translation
  • Technical & industrial translation
  • Japanese & overseas law firms
  • Japanese & overseas manufacturers
  • Governmental agencies


2022 (December 12)Settled at new location in Yokohama.
2022 (May)Moved to temporary location in Yokohama.
2018 (November)
to 2019 (January)
Interpreting for over one month at the behest of the Special Investigators of the Tokyo Public Prosecutors Office in a high-profile case involving senior foreign executives of a major Japanese corporation.
(May 1)
Increased emphasis on translation, focusing on patent translation for filing.
(Oct. 14)
Company name changed to Kirameki Translations, Inc.
(Jan. 21)
Company reorganized as stock company, and company name changed to Lise & Partners, Inc.
1988 to presentTranslation work comes to be focused on patent translation.
1985Entered the field of deposition interpreting in cases (chiefly for patent infringement litigation) involving Japanese entities.
1983Shift in emphasis to Japanese patent translation.
1979New-Tech, Ltd., predecessor to Lise & Partners, Inc., established.
1978Operations started. Initial clients were manufacturers of electrical measuring instruments.